إرشادات مقترحات البحث معلومات خط الزمن الفهارس الخرائط الصور الوثائق الأقسام

مقاتل من الصحراء


نداء الرئيس الوزان كما ألقي بالإنجليزية في مجلس الأمن 02/08/1982)
المصدر: غسان تويني، "1982 عام الاجتياح"، دار النهار، بيروت، ط 1، 1998، ص 430.

نداء الرئيس الوزان كما القي بالإنكليزية
في مجلس الأمن
(2/ 8/ 1982)
(ملحق البرقية الصادرة 340)


        At dawn today, and as we were getting ready to start implementing the arrangements decided at Djeddah concerning the withdrawal of armed Forces from West Beirut, we were surprised by a ferocious Israeli attack.

        Our already bleeding city was attacked from land.sea and air.Unprecedented destruction was caused and death was again pursuing the tortured innocent citizens who were trying to flee with their children from street to street and house to house.

        Our people are all asking one simple question.why?
        Why the renewal of this vicious ferocious shelling, which come while 600.000 Lebanese have been trying to survive without water.electricity and food.for to crime they committed save their belonging to a civilized homeland whose history testifies to its faith in moral values, the principles of international law, the universal declaration of the rights of man, and the Charter ot the United Nations as an instrument that should govern the future of nations.particularly the small states such as Lebanon.

        I am addressing you this morning in the name of the people of Lebanon.the men and women, the aged and the children, who were all surprised by the specter of death at sunrise.

        I am addressing all the people's of the world.I am addressing this appeal to the Reads of State and Governments, to the Secretary General of the United Nations, to the President and Members of the Security Council, asking them all to come to Lebanon's rescue and to save an aggrieved people, besieged in its own capital city.devoured by the Israeli war machine, despite Security Council resolutions calling for a cease-fire, a lifting of the blockade, and the withdrawal of all forces.

        What is now needed is an act of deliverance.It is asked from each and all.particularly from the United Nations in accordance with its principles.as our last resort.

        The people of Lebanon is today the victim of an unprecedented tragedy.Lebanon has been for so long the arena of various regional and international confrontations.Let Lebanon's case be today a victory for rights and a vindication of human values and the worth of human lives.
