إرشادات مقترحات البحث معلومات خط الزمن الفهارس الخرائط الصور الوثائق الأقسام

مقاتل من الصحراء


(تابع) تقارير الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة المقدمة إلى مجلس الأمن والخاصة بلبنان واليونيفل.
المصدر: غسان تويني، "1982 عام الاجتياح"، دار النهار، بيروت، ط 1، 1998، ص 347 - 371.

تقرير خاص تبعاً للقرار 517 (1982)

(ملحق البرقية 348)

        5 August 1982

RESOLUTION 517 (1982).

        1. This report is submitted in pursuance of resolution 517 (1982) which the Security Council adopted in the evening of 4 August 1982. In that resolution, the Council reconfirmed its resolutions 508 (1982), 509 (1982), 512(1982), 513(1982), 515(1982) and 516 (1982), confirmed once again its demand for an immediate cease-fire and withdrawal of Israeli forces from Lebanon; censured Israel for its failure to comply with the above resolutions; called for the prompt return of Israeli troops which had moved forward subsequent to 1325 hours EDT on 1 August 1982; took note of the decision of the Palestine Liberation Organization to move the Palestinian armed forces from Beirut; expressed its appreciation for the efforts and steps taken by the Secretary-General to implement the provisions of Security Council resolution 516 (1982), and authorized him, as an immediate step, to increase the number of United Nations observers in and around Beirut. The Council further requested the Secretary-General to report to the Security Council on the implementation of the present resolution as soon as possible and not later than 10. hours EDT on August 5 1982, and decided to meet at that time if necessary in order to consider the report of the Secretary-General and, in case of failure to comply by any of the parties to the conflict, to consider adopting effective ways and means in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations.

        2. Immediately after the adoption of the resolution, the Secretary-GeneraI brought it to the attention of the Foreign Minister of Israel as well as of the Foreign Minister of Lebanon and the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization. He instructed the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lieutenant-General Emmanuel A Erskine, to contact the parties immediately regarding the implementation of the resolution.

        3. General Erskine contacted senior officials of the Israeli Foreign Ministry during the early morning of 5 August 1982. At 1200 hours LT. (0700) hours New York time) they advised him that they were not in a position to inform him of the Israeli reaction to resolutions 516 (1982) and 517 (1982). They added that the Israeli response would be made as promised after the cabinet meeting which was scheduled for later in the afternoon of the same day.

        4. On instructions from General Erskine, the Officer-in-Charge of the Observer Group Beirut, Lieutenant-Colonel Pierre Letourneur got in touch with the Lebanese authorities. On the morning of 5 August, the Secretary-General received the following communication from the Permanent Representative of Lebanon:
