إرشادات مقترحات البحث معلومات خط الزمن الفهارس الخرائط الصور الوثائق الأقسام

مقاتل من الصحراء


مجموعة مختارة من الوثائق القانونية والتاريخية والجغرافية التي قدمت لمحكمة التحكيم لتأييد وجهة النظر المصرية
(تابع) المرفق رقم (7) الرد التركي على الإنذار البريطاني، مذكرة بريطانية مؤرخة 15 مايو 1906 بشأن حدود سيناء
"وزارة الخارجية المصرية، الكتاب الأبيض عن قضية طابا، القاهرة، 1989، ص 157 - 161"

No. 372


14,15th May, 1906


(Sinai Peninsula)

          Les vues exprimees dans la communication precitee de votre Excellence se trouvent ainsi pleinement realisées.

          En prisnt votre Excellence de vouloir bien communiquer ce qui precede à Londers, nous espérons quo le Gouvernement de Sa Majeste le Roi y verra une nouvelle preuve do notro vif désir de maintenir tou jours nos relations sur le pied de la plus parfaite cordislite En nous exprimant de son cote, sa pieine satistaction il nous aura temoigne lui-meme lu prix qu'il attache a la conservation et au raflemissement des bons rapports qui eixisient si heureusement entre les deux Etats

Veuillez, &C.,





14th May,1906.

          I HAVE had the honour to receive the note which your Excellency was good enough to write to me on the 12th instant respecting the occupation of Taba.

          Allow me to observe to you that it never entered the thought of the Imperial Government to ignore the contents of the telegram of the 8th ,April of the late Djevad Pasha to His Highness the Khedive. Besides the communication which I bad the honour to address to your Excellency on the 11th instant was quite explicit The evacuation of Taba has been decided upon, and the orders have already been given in consequence.

          It is agreed that the Staff officers at Akaba and the officials who shall be sent by His Highness the Khedive shall meet in order to effect on the spot, and in accordance with topographical data, a technical -inquiry for marking on a map the points calculated to insure the maintenance, on the basis of the above-mentioned telegram of Djevad Pasha, of the status quo in the Sinaitic Peninsula, and in order to draw the line of demarcation starting at Rafeh, near El-Arish, and running towards the south-east in an approximately straight line as far as a point on the Gulf of Akaba, at least 3 miles distant from Akaba.

          The views expressed in the above-mentioned communication of your Excellency are thus fully realized.

          In begging your Excellency to be so good as to communicate the above to London, we trust that the Government of His Majesty the King will see in it a fresh proof of our keen desire to maintain at all times our relations on a footing of the most complete cordiality. In conveying to us, on its side, an expression of its full satisfaction, it will itself have given proof of the value which it attaches to the preservation and to the strengthening of the good relations which so happily exist between the two States.

I have, & e.,

