إرشادات مقترحات البحث معلومات خط الزمن الفهارس الخرائط الصور الوثائق الأقسام

مقاتل من الصحراء


I wanted to confirm our policy on the issues of unilateral actions and the Charter of the PLO. In this regard, the statements issued publicly by the State Department on October 27, 1998, are accurate and represent our policies.

With regard to unilateral declarations or other unilateral actions, the statement said: " as regards to the possibility of a unilateral declaration of statehood or other unilateral actions by either party outside the negotiating process that prejudge or predetermine the outcome of those negotiations, the U.S. opposes and will oppose any such unilateral actions. "

" Indeed, the U.S. has maintained for many years that an acceptable solution to the Israeli- Palestinian conflict can only be found through negotiations, not through unilateral actions. And as we look to the future, that will remain our policy. "

" For the present, we are doing all we can to promote permanent status negotiations on an accelerated basis. And we are stressing that those who believe that they can declare unilateral positions or take unilateral acts, when the interim period ends, are courting disaster. "

With regard to the PNC, the statement said: " the Wye River Agreement specifies that the members of the PNC ( as well as the members of the PLO Central Council, the Palestinian Council and the Heads of Palestinian Ministries ) will be invited to a meeting which President Clinton will attend. "

" The purpose of this meeting of the PNC and other PLO organizations is to reaffirm Chairman Arafat's January 22 letter to President Clinton nullifying each of the Charter's provisions that are inconsistent with the PLO's commitments to renounce terror, and to recognize and live in peace with Israel."

" This process of reaffirmation will make clear, once and for all, that the provisions of the PLO Charter that call for the destruction of Israel are null and void. "

These public statements by the State Department represent our policies. We will not change them and they will remain our policies in the future.


Edward S. Walker, Jr.

U.S. State Department
Washington, D.C.
October 30, 1998

Mr. Dani Naveh
Cabinet Secretary
Government of Israel

Dear Mr. Naveh:
